If You’re Not Living Your Soul’s Calling, Who Is?

by | Feb 19, 2019 | Evolution, Inspire, Lifestyle

If You’re Not Living Your Soul’s Calling, Who Is?

by | Feb 19, 2019 | Evolution, Inspire, Lifestyle

“Stress is being out of alignment, balance and coherence by not honoring or expressing your true essence, soul’s calling and innate creativity, a condition that leads to dis-order and dis-ease mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually; and is therefore reflected in your external environment.” – Harriet Tubman Wright
Updated Version, August 30, 2018)

  •  Are you settling for stress, mediocrity or stagnation?

In my own life, as I sought to find and fulfill my purpose, I accepted jobs and assignments that helped me earn a living to support myself and my son. I excelled in some jobs and languished in others, ultimately recognizing that I was not being all I was meant to be or doing what I really yearned to do.

In my work with mature women career professionals and entrepreneurs who feel undervalued, frustrated and stressed, I find that a fundamental cause of stress is not accepting your soul’s calling or living your soul purpose. It is not honoring that deep inner desire, true essence and innate creativity.

  • Imagine the seed that is never planted and not allowed to fulfill its innate purpose to grow into a flower or food? 
  • Imagine the egg that is not nurtured to maturity so that a new life is brought forth? 
  • Imagine a world without the (r)evolutionary pioneers, artists, scientists, educators, leaders and other cultural creatives who by expressing their soul’s calling, sharing their unique brilliance, and making profound contributions uplifted humanity in myriad ways? 
  • Imagine living your life with the seed of genius and magnificence dormant, never realized or fulfilled?

If you’re not radiating your brilliance and magnificence, you are stressed…and it’s showing up in body, mind, spirit…relationships, livelihood, finances. Yet, you have the power to make different choices.

You have the power to show up as the authentic, brilliant, creative person that you’re born to be, living on purpose with purpose!

  • What are you choosing?
  • Are you doing what you most love?
  • Is there something deep inside seeking to be expressed?

You also have the choice to listen to your Soul’s Calling. Your Soul’s Calling is your true essence and divine purpose. It’s what lights you up and those with whom you interact. It energizes, motivates and sustains you. Your Soul’s Calling is what you were born to do, and doing what you most love!

Imagine how you would feel if you were:

  • Clear and excited about your Soul’s Calling
  • Engaged in work that utilized your unique gifts and creativity
  • Expressing mastery and passion doing what you most love
  • Fulfilling your true purpose with enthusiasm and ease
  • Thriving while empowering others to make meaningful contributions to the world

What to Do Next?

Let’s explore your options in a complimentary Soul’s Calling Vision Session.

During this 45-minute complimentary phone consultation, we will:

  • Identify the psychological and emotional cost of denying your true nature
  • Uncover blocks to expressing your Soul’s Calling
  • Explore your heart’s true desire and possibilities ahead for you
  • Define ways to renew your commitment to a purposeful life
  • Outline options and next steps to fulfill your Soul’s Calling

You will complete the session with more clarity and motivation to live your Soul’s Calling and step into your true power doing what you most love in highest service to others.

Schedule your complimentary Souls Calling Vision Session at: https://www.schedulicity.com/scheduling/TWRUM8

I look forward to talking with you. 

Appreciating African-Americans Who Lived Their Soul’s Calling

Recently, I compiled Black History Month biographical posts and quotes on Facebook. I chose to focus on highly- accomplished individuals that perhaps aren’t as well known by the general public; sometimes African-American “firsts” in sports, politics, science, technology, entertainment, arts, literature and more… The process reminded me about overcoming challenges to be all you could be, to express your innate creativity and gifts, make enduring contributions, and beat the odds to ultimately live your Soul’s Calling.

Therefore, I encourage you to view them at: https://www.facebook.com/harriet.t.wright or https://www.facebook.com/thewrightresort.bodymindspirit/  Many will inspire you!

“Love and accept yourself unconditionally. Honor your soul’s journey, your gifts and unique mastery. From your heart and soul, express and share your God-given talents, as only you can. In doing so, you are living your Soul’s Calling and making a meaningful contribution to the world.”  – Harriet Tubman Wright