Cultivating a Feminine Model of Leadership

by | Jan 29, 2015 | Inspire, Lifestyle, Women

biz-women-silouettesWith breakdowns in every sector of society; discord at the highest levels of governance, dysfunction within structures and systems that are simply no longer viable as originally intended, radical transformation is required.

New paradigms of leadership, engagement and community are called for. I fervently believe that:

These times call for women’s leadership, the re-emergence of the divine feminine with values of authenticity and equity; practices of co-creativity, cooperation, collaboration and community; a shared vision of relationship building, sustainability and justice for the highest good of the whole.

Although the patriarchy has caused pain for women and men, I’m not advocating that men be removed from positions of power. However, I am saying that women’s leadership, based on women expressing our true nature of birthing, tending, nurturing and co-creating, is imperative to restore balance and wholeness for the future of humanity, and in fact all sentient beings and the planet. 

Therefore, we have the opportunity and the responsibility to co-create a new model of partnership and leadership that is life-affirming, equitable and inclusive.

To explore the benefits of women cultivating the qualities of conscious, creative leadership, join us for:

Fruits of the Feminine Leadership Legacy Community Call 

Thursday, February 5, 2015
4:00pm – 5:15pm pacific, 7:00pm – 8:15pm eastern


Friday, February 20, 2015
9:00am – 10:15am pacific, 12noon – 1:15pm eastern 

You’ll come away from the call with greater clarity, motivation, energy and direction!

For more information: