BodyMindSpirit Self Care – A Powerful Antidote to Stress

by | Mar 24, 2014 | Health, Lifestyle

  • Is the pressure of balancing family, work, business or community demands depleting you?
  • Do you feel like you’re overworked and underpaid?
  • Are you worried about attracting more paying clients to grow your business? stressed black diva

Stress is a normal part of entrepreneurship, especially for women who are also balancing the demands of family and volunteer or community activities. Yet we don’t have to let stress debilitate us. We can implement effective BodyMindSprit Self-Care Practices so that we manage our time and talents with greater ease and joy, plus serve our families, clients and communities from a place of wholeness, balance and joy.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed out, and ready to adopt self-care practices to release stress and create serenity, join us for:

The Wright Resort
BodyMindSpirit Self-Care

FREE Tele-Class

Tuesday, April 1, 2014
9am – 10am pacific, 12noon – 1pm eastern

You should be on this call if you are:

  1. Stressing out and unable to handle multiple demands on you,
  2. Allowing other people’s needs or agendas to absorb your time and energy,
  3. Ready to adopt self-care practices that will center and energize you,
  4. Open to serve others from a place of wholeness, balance and peace of mind,
  5. Ready to enhance your overall health and well-being!


“Self-Care is not selfish. In fact, it’s a requirement.” ~ Harriet Tubman Wright


Harriet Tubman Wright, MS, MA is a Phenomenal Life Empowerment Coach, Speaker, Author and Director of The Wright Resort, A BodyMindSpirit Wellness Center. Her book, Releasing Stress, Creating Serenity A BodyMindSpirit Self-Care Primer for Busy Women provides tools, strategies and practices to help you restore alignment and balance and cultivate a home and workplace environment to maintain optimal health and well-being.